Too Much Clutter in Your Space Usually Means Too Much Clutter in Your LIFE!

As an interior designer, people ALWAYS ask me what is your style.  I hesitate to answer that question specifically as everyone has different tastes and as a designer I am trained to satisfy everyone’s style.  But the one thing I always will say is “I HATE clutter and consider myself a minimalist!”  No matter what your style is, clutter and mess has no place in your space!

So what is “clutter?”  My definition is that clutter can be anything from knick knacks to piles of papers, clothes, work etc…basically NO organization.  I know what you’re going to say…” It’s my everyday life, how can I just keep everything so organized all the time?” Well it’s a mindset just like everything else.  Especially for those of you who work from home (as do I), organization is the key in getting results.  Sitting down to a messy work area is not only inefficient but it is also a form of “white noise.”  When the space around you is at peace your subconscious is at peace.  A peaceful mind is a much better place to work from.

Some other huge benefits to working and living in a clutter free zone:

  1. When guests pop over unexpectedly there is no stressing about running around the house to clean it up, allowing your home to always be ready for visitors.

  2. The presentation of your home and work spaces convey a message to others around you. Does it make it right that people assume something when they see the way you live? No, but the reality is that it’s true and perception is reality for most.  I am not judgin’, I am just sayin’ J

  3. You will get RESULTS! If your in a healthy state of mind when you leave for the day because you just slept and did your morning routine in a peaceful haven you can start your day right.  Be it if you go to work or start your workday at home.  It’s all about RESULTS! And you get results when you’re feeling good!

Now listen,  I am not a cleaning fanatic.  That is not what I am saying, because being very extreme can also cause an awful amount stress which is completely  unnecessary.  It is about minimizing the clutter and noise that could be added to your day.

Your space says A LOT about your character and how you live your life.   It may not be who you truly are, but it may be a challenge you are going through at the moment and it is being reflected in your space.  I guarantee that if you make your space your haven that you want to come home to everyday to find that escape and sense of zen, you have to go minimal.  Collect all of those knick knacks and those messy piles in the corner of the room and organize them in nice storage or even better – TRASH THEM if you can J

JUST SAY NO TO CLUTTER! I know you can do it.  And I promise you will feel so much better…it’s almost cathartic.

If I can help you in any way I would love to hear from you!

Yours in True Health and Happiness,
