Networking is Definitely a Key to Success
This week I am going to give you a quick tip- as the title states – Networking is Definitely a Key to Success. I used to be intimidated by it but now…I am a BELIEVER!
Some of you may remember I had to “break up” with a client a few weeks ago. I was pretty bummed but at the same time I knew I had freed up my time for something MUCH better. This week I landed the dream job for an interior designer in Los Angeles. And I am over the moon about it. These things all take time especially when you are an up and comer like me. But all I can say is that all of the networking events I go to are paying off. This does NOT happen over night, but know that it will. It’s all about planing the seeds….planting at networking events, dinner parties, even when getting your nails done. After you plant, be patient and always follow up every month there after because it will just be a matter of time. Meet the client, interview them as they are interviewing you and what is meant to be will be. It’s nice to know that after all of my hard work putting myself out there it’s really working….NETWORKING!
If you are someone reading this and is afraid like I was, I hope my story inspires you to get off that couch and go get it. Nothing is going to just fall in your lap…you have to go after it.
A Huge Fan of Networking,